welcome to the align method

Learn How To Align Your Life With Your Divine Purpose


About Us

Hi, I’m Candace!

I am passionate about seeing women become fully ALIVE and purposeful with their life. I want to see women completely free and empowered to run with clarity and confidence. My mission is through a holistic approach to help my clients transform their life by identifying where they are stuck and where they want to


The Align Method
Group Coaching



The Align Method
Interactive E-Book


The Align Method
1-On-1 Coaching

  • Gloria - The Align Method

    “I chose to kick off this year entirely different than ever before. I decided to get ALIGNED and this course helped me gain clarity to dream again! I rediscovered that I have so much inside of me to give. I knew I needed a personal alignment coach for accountability and I am so thankful for Candace and that I decided to walk into the new year ALIGNED!”

  • Stephanie- The Align Method

    “I’ve taken tons of self help courses, $1000’s of dollars and not completed a single one, so I was hesitant to jump on another. But I asked myself, WHAT IF, this was the one I could commit to and complete, do the coaching, do the work, show up and change my life? And...YES, this was one of those pieces! Doing the Align Method with Candace helped me see that my busy-ness was stopping me from seeing and setting goals. I've learned in a few short weeks to prioritize my life and do what sets my soul on FIRE! Candace has wisdom beyond her years and I am forever grateful for you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

  • Kelli- The Align Method

    “I signed up for The Align Method in January and it was by far the BEST way to start off my year. The program is well thought out and gradually takes you through the process of breaking down old habits and thought patterns that aren’t serving you. I have done countless programs and read every new book out there on habits, efficiency and mindset however nothing really has made a lasting effect prior to Candace’s Align Method program. By the end of the program I was able to recognize and stop my negative self talk and come up with a simple and sustainable morning routine that sets me up for success and takes away the “overwhelm” feeling. Candace is insightful, compassionate and full of inspiring ideas that make you feel like someone is walking through the weeds with you, holding your hand, and cheering you on along the way. I can’t say enough good things about The Align Method.”

From Candace

Get a FREEBIE from Candace. This 90 day alignment Battle Board will help you map out a 90 day plan, create new habits aligned with your goals and establish daily disciplines to support your projects and vision.